Thursday, 8 November 2012

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr

The basis of Dent's research is the highly predictable nature of consumer spending based on a family's formation pattern: minimal spending as young adults, increased spending while rearing children, peaking their spending as their children leave home, and then slowing spending during the last 15 years of working life (48-63) while saving more and preparing for retirement.
In the late 1980s, Dent forecast that the Japanese economy, then the darling of the world, would soon enter a slowdown that would last more than a decade. In the early 1990s, he predicted that the DOW would reach 10k. Both of these predictions were met with much skepticism, and yet both eventually came to pass.

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr

Harry Dent Jr


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